How to Transform Your Employees to Strong Brand Advocates

A business’s brand is one of the most important aspects of a great business. And time and time again, most businesses with great branding use less power and headache trying to sell because they already have a name that people trust and also want to buy from.

Everyone knows that your employees are people that get work done for your business. But have you ever thought of them as potential brand advocates?

A lot of brands are overlooking their employees as the most valuable types of advocates. But this is an amazing way to also share your brand story.

A lot of customers turn to social media to share personal experiences with brands, making them brand advocates would, therefore, be an important part of any company’s marketing strategies.

1. Remind your employees how this would help them

Don’t run off making them brand ambassadors and asking them to contribute when you haven’t worked on their motivation to do so. Make them realize all the cool benefits they will get from being brand ambassadors for your business, how it would help them build their personal brands, help them grow their Profesional network, and establish them as thought leaders.

Moreover, some of your employees may cringe at creating content as it requires skills and understanding. That’s why you have to organize training workshops on how to align your brand’s voice to different platforms and how they could repurpose content.

2. Motivate and reward them

Now, we aren’t talking about giving them money here. That is not the only way to motivate employees. Here’s how you could pull this off.

People want to be recognized to feel good about themselves, you could celebrate their commitment with the rest of your company and send shout outs to them. You could also create some sort of healthy competition by using a monthly leaderboard and rewarding the top performers.

3. Create a tiger team

If you have no idea what a tiger team is it’s simply a group of employees who understand the value of advocating your brand and are very willing to make some noise about it. What you want to do is make up your tiger team including players from the main departments in your company.

You are looking for people who are willing to support you and shouldn’t forget to remember introverted types to help represent the company’s diversity.

However, you should adopt a bottom-up approach when putting this team together. When the input to participate in brand advocacy comes from leadership, they may be under a lot of pressure to give in.

But when it comes from their peers understanding the importance and are willing to make some noise about your business, it shows they’ll be more willing to learn and actively engage in advocating your brand.

Helping your employees to grow their brands could positively impact your business brand, too. And implementing a process to help them produce significant results for your business.

I hope these three steps would help your company harness the power that comes from using the employees to make your business look better. Remember that employees getting the word out about your business not only makes your business a good business but one which is a great place to work, too. When people see your employees are happy, they value your brand more.

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