Mindfulness for a Busy World

The world today is a very busy one – whether you are a student, employee, or homemaker. While it is expected that everyone has problems, it seems that complications arrive faster than before through our phones, TV, and other gadgets.

These then disturb our frame of mind, preventing us from focusing on what we need to do. Custom dissertation services will help you out with it:

What mindfulness is

Mindfulness is a method to focus on the present and regain control of your thoughts and emotions.  Being able to practice it lessens your anxious thoughts, leading to improved happiness and contentment.

How it helps

As earlier mentioned, multiple distractions can sap a person of their joy.  Instead of enjoying the moment, the person is deeply troubled by something else.

However, if the person can calm their emotions and reduce any chaotic thoughts, inner peace can be regained.  This allows them to fully participate in what they are doing, and it helps them to objectively focus on solutions to problems.

This is why mindfulness is very useful in times of crisis or when someone is suffering from a mental disorder (depression, anxiety, or trauma) that is affecting their emotions and decision-making.

Three techniques to try

There are many different ways to become more mindful.  The following three, however, are some of the simpler ones that anyone can do at home.  If one does not work for you, feel free to try the other two.

Bodily Awareness

One technique is for the person to become aware of their body.  Sit comfortably and focus on your different body parts.  You may begin from your toes and move to your head, and vice-versa.  Notice how each body part feels: Is there an itch? Does it feel hot or cold?

However, do not dwell on the sensation or even wonder why.  Just take note and move on.  You will eventually find that any anxious feelings have left you.

Focus on the Senses

Others find it more helpful to focus on their 5 senses.  This is done by noticing and naming what you feel around you.  If you see a bird flying, you may mentally say or audibly whisper “sight.”  If you smell freshly cut grass, you may say “smell.”  It helps to try a combination of senses, not just a single one.

Similar to the bodily awareness, after a few minutes of cataloging your sensory experience, you will find yourself calm and centered.

Basic Meditation

One final technique is to sit quietly and focus on your breathing.  Others find it helpful to repeat a particular word silently.  You continue doing this until the erratic thoughts have subsided.


This topsy-turvy world is guaranteed to disappoint or frustrate you.  Such feelings are normal to have. But don’t let them take control of you or you will find yourself hating your situation even more.

Instead, try the mindfulness techniques above to regain your inner balance. Once done, you will find that problems can be solved and that precious moments can be enjoyed despite the complications of life.

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