How to Hire Workers That Will Pay Their Own Salaries

Whether you know it or not, you need to hire workers that will pay their own salaries if your business is to move forward and become a mature company.

You may not know it yourself, but you contribute one way or the other to paying yourself when you work as an employee with another employer – everything you do in your office or workplace contributes to company-generated revenue which is used to pay you.

Salaried workers tend to be lazy because they are only interested in their end-of-the-month pay-cheques, and they contribute little to what they earn because they are aware the management cannot readily measure their inputs. But this must change with you –

Pay commissions instead of salaries

Place your workers on commissions or an earn-as-you-work payment and you’d see them sit up. Workers become lazy when they are placed on salaries, but dare to place them on commissions then you see them working hard to earn their own keep.

They invariably get to pay themselves because they are paid according to the amount of target they achieve or the amount of revenue they bring into the business.

Set targets to be achieved by teams

Set realistic targets for your workers and set up teams to attain these targets within record time. Teams tend to achieve more than individuals and their jobs get measured or monitored easily than that of individuals.

Setting milestones for teams is the best way to go and you’d see them striving to achieve or beat the goal with a view to earning more or meeting company needs.

Measure and monitor individual tasks

Develop a way to monitor what your workers are doing on daily basis and what they have achieved on any particular day. Ensure they do not just idle away at their work desks or just play computer games while pretending to work.

There must be a job monitoring system to measure and determine what individual workers have done for any particular day, week, or month and see how these have contributed to company revenues.

Hire freelancers instead of full-time workers

Have you ever thought about hiring freelancers instead of full-time staff? Well, it makes a lot of sense to hire freelancers instead of full-time staff where the needed job can be done remotely or by telecommuting from anywhere.

You can also outsource to other professionals as the need may arise and you see these working for their own pay. Hiring freelancers or outsourcing jobs has two main benefits: it saves costs and overheads; the job is measurable and monitorable; you can accept or reject the job output based on quality merits; workers earn their own pay or rather work to pay themselves.

Investments from workers

Have you ever thought of the possibility of asking your workers to invest in the business and then earn some rewards? Do you know it is possible to even raise more business capital from your employees if they forgo to get paid for a month or two as an investment into the business? The returns on their investments and share capital can pay many of them for years to come without any difficulties if well managed.

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

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