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Važnost osobnog elastičnosti kada radite posao

po Beatrice
Importance of Personal Resilience when Running a Business

Resilience is a word often associated with thriving businesses. Any business should be resilient towards shifts in the market, which happen more often than you think, in order to persevere into the future. Međutim, personal resilience is not often a term associated with businesses.

Businesses that thrive are often ones run by resilient owners or managers. Personal resilience is not just a quality taught to kids anymore. It’s a trait adults must possess, especially those engaged in businesses.

Importance of Personal Resilience when Running a Business

Women and men in business naturally must have some resilient traits. A majority of new businesses fail. Companies like Google and Uber are the exception to the rule. Even if a business fails, it’s important to keep on trying as a person. Također, if the manager or the owner of the business is not resilient, the company will not do well when facing the very, many challenges it would ultimately face. Tako, here are several ways business owners can build personal resilience and make their ventures thrive:

Learn to be Reasonably Optimistic

Businesspeople, especially start-up owners, tend to enjoy being optimistic. Sometimes the optimism is overt. Veteran investors and businesspeople caution that too much optimism could lead to disaster. Jason Sugarman, a veteran private equity financier, and an investor, advises new company owners to be reasonably optimistic. It’s important to have faith in your own venture so the owner can lead it in a successful direction. Međutim, this optimism should not be blind to the challenges the company faces down the road. Važno je da psihički sebe pripremiti za takve izazove, pa kad su konačno došli, rukovoditelji su spremni suočiti se s njima na glavu.

Pogledajte mogućnosti u zastojima

Steve Jobs nije odustao na Apple samo zato što ga je odbor otpustio. On je pokrenuti nekoliko ulaganja, učenje vrijedne lekcije koje je on vratio u Apple, što dovodi do fenomenalnog uspjeha I-uređaja. Također, poslovni ljudi ne bi trebali uzeti zastojima nužno kao zastojima. Ako osoba prolazi kroz traumu, može ostati s tom osobom za život. Međutim, psiholozi koriste tehniku ​​nazvanu „preoblikovanje osobnu pripovijest” za pomoć žrtvama traume postaju otporniji i vratiti se na svoje noge. Tvrtke koje obavljaju veliki zastojima može se usporediti s traumom. Osnivači mogu oporaviti od tih koraka unatrag po reframing probleme kao mogućnosti da uče i rastu.

Izbjegavajte Prilagodba zastojima

Nikad personalizirati poslovne izazove i tvrde ih kao osobne neuspjehe. Ako se tvrtka ide nizbrdo, the owner must always keep a cool head to either pull back the venture from bankruptcy or to handle the ending with dignity. Blaming all of the company’s problems on oneself won’t help. Stoga, owners that do not take each setback personally would be stronger when facing other problems down the road.

Keep the Victories in Mind

Don’t forget the accomplishments the company has already achieved. Što je još važnije, don’t forget how these were achieved in the first place. Make success a lesson well learned, a vi ćete biti u mogućnosti da ga ponoviti u budućnosti.

Otpornost nije samo genetski potez. To se može naučiti. za poslovne ljude, otpornosti lekcije moglo značiti ekstremne uspjeh u budućnosti.

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1 komentar

6 Poslovni troškovi siječanj 3, 2020 - 8:11 PM

[…] Pokretanje poslovanja zahtijeva puno troškova. A kada je jednostavno previše za medvjeda, važno je da mudrost zaposliti tehnike koje će vam znatno uštedjeti mnogo novca koji bi se mogli koristiti učinkovito zadovoljiti druge potrebe, i na kraju, rasti i širiti svoje poslovanje. […]


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